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Something better than the royal family don t die lu shi an ah with a sound he scratched his head then we have to suffer from being dumb zhang qian nodded there is really no other way at the moment at this time zhu jingyan.

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Yuan leave she supported chi yuan to do what he should do to complete his mission and shoulder his responsibilities but with such a long term friendship here she just hoped that chi yuan could say goodbye to her before.

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Got on it but he had to go back as soon as possible to take charge of the overall situation today at dali temple zhu jingyan and others analyzed a series of consequences caused by yang tingzhou s death he had heard it all.

Remain indifferent xu zhizhong couldn t protect duoduo and neither could zhu jingyan they can only push duoduo into a dangerous whirlpool he can t go on like this anymore he wants to save duoduo from putting himself in danger.

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You been these days do you know that the sovereign and his wife both fell ill in order to find you chi yuan naturally knew that this was not the case but now that the enemy s situation is unknown and none of his people have.

All if you don t believe me ask uncle li I even drink water on horseback uncle situ please forgive me this time I will never be willful again a similar scene long before chi yuan left yunlaizong did not know that it had.

Delicate and naive appearance he is already familiar with the road it s just that I have done things dozens of times in the past but now that I know what situ yi has done I feel awkward in how I behave situ yi is also a it.

Is not an exaggeration to say that he is a master of all kinds especially in acting as if nothing happened he glared at chi yuan reproachfully it s been so long the young suzerain still looks like this don t worry the.

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