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Father xu zhizhong was interrupted by duoduo when he raised his head he saw duoduo s quirky face with his little head tilted her little hand pointed quietly at the memorial under his hand he looked in the direction of the.

Many fingers and saw that several ink dots had been dropped on the memorial in the memorial to impeach zhu jingyan something vaguely stated there are only a few words left he is lawless and the city is busy xu zhizhong knew.

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Rubbing his nose on him is this something zhu jingyan can do there are many others bit dumbfounded but she knew zhu jingyan better in the eyes of outsiders zhu jingyan who looks well mannered and a gentleman is actually.

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Affairs brother I will go with you unexpectedly chi yuan was still willing to help her after this happened in her eyes light chi yuan s heart was so soft but you can t check like this chi yuan said holding many hands and.

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Turned upside down but the two people who were in the middle of the turmoil were squatting outside the gate of a deserted palace that was incompatible with this palace lenggong duoduo asked in a low voice after turning his.

They were from everyone it was left by the nun who brought food to the concubine in the cold palace every day but the string of footprints was particularly obvious amidst the thick dust if they walked through the main.

Was a concubine in the palace I don t know how to offend the emperor so I was thrown into limbo before entering the cold palace he was deposed now if she is out of the cold palace her status in the palace will be worse than.

An environment self abandoned self pitying duoduo felt that jade concubine was very different from what she had imagined she and chi yuan looked at each other and decided not to disturb the concubine for the time being.

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