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Unexpectedly yan qing bounced her fingers on the flute a few times it was obvious that the emotions she had just created when writing lyrics needed to be vented she couldn t wait for anything next time he looked at the pipa.

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Still a few people who really liked driving and they kept saying no no no just practice in school or at most the shooting center don t you have to go there every day for training we will be your driver I have it ben yan.

There were messy document bags and more than a dozen blood stained knives and sticks there was even a stun device fortunately I didn t have time to use it against yan yesterday qing I guess he will fight to the death.

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The side gate was the witness to the whole process last night witnessed and reported with my own eyes the ferocity of this freshman who beat up a pile of social garbage this is a guy who cannot be measured by common sense.

Not to mention that now with this coercive action alone almost all the sports students in the audience stared fiercely at the chief of the security department with the same aura of hatred girls are baring their teeth in the.

Theory waiting for the security chief to follow the reason to report to the leader he left in a bit of embarrassment yan qing seemed to have the charisma of a copycat boss everyone immediately drove all five cars to an.

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Learn some culture had to get up and leave of course he was also a young man at heart originally the wrestling association had a lot of things to do so he quietly sneaked behind the dormitory building gai qingyun had.

Already sent a message to ask the guy who kept the car keys he never left at all and has been wandering around several cars I heard that this kind of mortgage most cars have gps locators and they can be chased wherever they.

Go as long as there is a chance I will secretly use the spare key to drive the car away I am going to buy a gps detector online people in the northern song dynasty were shocked that there was such a miraculous thing gai.

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Buttons on the control panel first go to the driving school to pay the registration fee and then drive to the shooting center a few kilometers away yan qing is quite proficient when parking the car here I was even flattered.

Most being one year older than you is not considered a senior you are obviously the boss the possibility of us making money by playing competitions for honors is almost zero what will we do after graduation I might as well.

Must follow and you will make a fortune with you if you cling on maybe it was just a joke among college students who can call each other dad but the more you talk about it the more true it becomes yan qing listened with a.

Liangshan bo106 was wiped out he would not even shake his eyebrows he is becoming more and more impressive when he goes to the ufo shooting range for training he is always surrounded by helpers and it is inevitable that he.

Will be looked at a few times by others the rules of the shooting range are still strict those who watch the fun can only watch from outside sports students we are also accustomed to comply with it but yan qing had just fired.

Dozens of rounds inside and was listening to coach wang analyze the details of adjustments when suddenly the sports students outside exploded someone is coming to steal the car they immediately rushed out in a swarm yan qing.

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Only care about their own sports if there is a breakthrough the worst that can happen is that those who engage in shooting will tighten the management of guns and ammunition while those who engage in wrestling and judo will.

Still be able to control their hands and feet after training what kind of emotional intelligence does yan qing have the ufo shooting makes the coach so satisfied that he considers designing a new training plan for him all.

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Institute was established so quietly of course it is also related to judo professional training together yan qing is already a dedicated coach which further encourages his big brother demeanor he also chatted with judo.

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That they came to you to pick quarrels and troubles but I suffered a lot but I didn t hear that you called the police yan qing actually touched an old mobile phone and handed it over they are holding your phone the one left.

But now such a group of sword wielding and stick wielding people in society and those with criminal backgrounds deliberately come to retaliate and attack and dare to besiege college students who are brave enough to do.

Car was too inappropriate for children the captain gave his phone to the policewoman who couldn t help but look through it again people he raised his eyes and tried to be as serious as possible it is the obligation and.

Doesn t want this young man to stand on the opposite side look at those scouts in the distance a sports student who probes his head the captain did not beat around the bush the last time I asked xiao he to visit me i.

Reminded you that I am very optimistic about your ability to join us in the future with all the abilities you have if you can become a criminal police officer you will definitely make a great contribution to this society.

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Sports institute for further training I have qualified to represent the neighboring province in the chinese wrestling youth games in addition to my qualifications for judo and shooting at the provincial sports institute i.

Will participate in three national youth games in november he also competes in sports games and is also an assistant coach of the martial arts team this kind of non answer will certainly not make the old policeman feel that.

He is talking in circles he is just he glanced back inadvertently seeing yan qing s absolutely flawless expression in addition I have also reached an agreement with the conservatory of music of the provincial normal.

Me some kung fu singing and even asked me to get a tattoo it was my master s order in fact his series of responses are just raising the stakes this is no longer an ordinary college student the various achievements of the.