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Yan qing changed into her wrestling uniform and came out greeted by the sound of shutters making other wrestling students a little jealous but the coach also made it very clear gai qingyun has very rich experience in.

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Being turned into a bandit now it is really better to have a cathartic and relaxing time than in the future so he accidentally got drunk 22 have a hearty drink together strong affection in all fairness yan qing thinks she.

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Qing immediately took off the earphones and carefully leaned against the decoration another girl noticed and asked him if he was making a video report to his girlfriend yan qing smiled and shook his head big all the students.

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Yan qing caught a glimpse and immediately straightened his judo uniform becoming a little more defensive yes I sang what the professors who listened to feng deyu in their respective majors were actually a little cautious.

Really standing around yan qing the judo players imitated him one by one hanging their thumbs on their belts arrogantly and standing side by side it just seemed like they were not easy to mess with the curious martial arts.

Encouraged yan qing s temperament of the king of the mountain he actually enjoyed the feeling of returning to the mountain the music professor was younger and understood the unruly temperament of these young sports students.

Came closer and wondered but why is the principle of two oblique rhymes and two flat rhymes not fully guaranteed yan qing s old face blushed secretly I m uneducated but he said it confidently and the judokas even raised.

Their chins together as if what he said was quite honorable the white collar beauty actually took the lead and smiled wang lijuan looked around quickly after seeing it really wanting to find a mace to run over that pretty.

Something like this if everyone doesn t understand what is being sung what s the point of not being able to enjoy it together the old professor was already laughing happily right right I just said this young man is very.

Interesting he understands diction and ancient rhyme and music theory but he can temporarily change the key after singing just one sentence this is cleverness the young music professor was surprised do you know how to.

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Fields wang lijuan look who this bitch is today wan went to do it with her hutouhunao rolled his sleeves and looked at her with a groan it s really rough chatting among girls today you joined their judo and martial arts.

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Recruited by the police in the future I know this truth to some extent track and field idiot wang lijuan was so angry after watching it that she immediately took a few girls with single swords and long swords back to the.

Group photo before yan qing and gai qingyun could react a judo player had already jumped over delete it it was also deleted in the trash can I deleted it in person I didn t see that the video had already caused trouble and.

The old professor became anxious and anxious do you really think the libretto is inappropriate how should you sing if you use your own singing method yan qing became vigilant or gai qingyun was vigilant did he find that you.

Should be made of some precious wood and it is also full of exquisite carvings just looking at yan qing s expression people I knew he recognized it so I stretched out my hand and handed it to him but he explained the song.